Saturday, January 22, 2011

Juarez maquiladoras recovering despite bloodshed -


The difference [Chinese vs. Mexican wages]was about $1.50 to 40 cents (per hour) in 1996 and $3.50 to $3 now. Mexico is still more expensive, but not that much," Pascual said in an interview.

the maquiladora sector has shed hundreds of thousands of jobs since peaking at 1.3 million employees in October 2000, but Mexico is now catching up fast with China. U.S. imports from Mexico exceeded $168 billion through November, expanding by 35 percent over the past year, according to the U.S. International Trade Commission. Imports from China, meanwhile, were up nearly 24 percent to about almost $264 billion through November.

Bill Parisen is vice president for an international manufacturer that moved a California plant to Juarez, reaching full operation with 60 employees in July…Parisen said that none of the 71 Fortune 500 operations in Juarez was withdrawing, despite drug violence

"At work, you are safe," Hernandez [factory worker] said, now 22. "Outside, there's no control. No laws."

Click on the following for more details:  Juarez maquiladoras recovering despite bloodshed -

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